An umbilical hernia treatment for infants that is non-invasive, hypoallergenic, and proactive.

Infants using Navel Cradle

Cathlyn Corrado, Doctor of physical therapy. Board certified specialist in pediatrics by the American Physical Therapy Association.

Our pediatrician was amazed by the results. She said that this device saved him from having to undergo surgery to correct it! That also meant that it spared him from having unnecessary anesthesia, medical costs, and worry for us. Our pediatrician encouraged me to make this product available to other parents. I would love to be able to empower other parents and medical providers with the same tools to be able to help their child, instead of simply waiting.

Our Story:
Cathlyn and Evan

Hi! My name is Cathlyn Corrado. I have my doctorate in physical therapy, specializing in pediatrics. More importantly though, I am also a mom to 3 wonderful boys. When my youngest son was just 3 months old, he developed an umbilical hernia. Our pediatrician’s advice was to just “wait and see” because that is the current standard of care for this very common issue in infants. If an umbilical hernia is going to close on its own, it’s likely to close before they are 18 months old and up and walking. That is a long time to “wait and see” in the life of an infant.

Now, this is a hard thing to do as a mom when your child’s intestines are protruding through his abdomen, but it is an even harder thing to do as a pediatric physical therapist! Because of my background, I knew that the gap that was widening between his abdominal muscles could be affecting his ability to use those muscles. These core muscles are the ones he needs to achieve all of his most important milestones like rolling, crawling, and sitting up. I started doing my own research and found that there is no product currently on the market that can truly help address this problem in its entirety, so I decided to develop my own. I tried it with my own son and had incredible results.

Cradle your baby into comfort

The Navel Cradle™ device is an umbilical hernia treatment for infants that is patented and proactive. It cradles your baby’s belly to support their body’s natural healing process.

The Navel Cradle is registered with the FDA as a class 1 exempt medical device, under the classification of hernia support.

FDA registration number: 10088673